Dear Child,
I have already picked out some names I'd ,potentially, like to call you, but time will tell if the love I have for those names will remain or not. Or, whether your father is going to approve of them or not. Maybe he has already set up a list of his favorite names he considers as appropriate potential calls for his offspring. Speaking of names, I don't even know of his! Hence, I'm currently mad at him!
You're going to be me in an alternative reality; the "me" I never thought would exist coupled with the "me" I've always wanted to!
I'm writing this to you, my dear while not knowing how you're going to look or how many of you will be running around the house someday. Maybe you'll be a set of twins or triplets. Or each of you will arrive at a special interval!
Anyhow, as your future mother, this letter will incorporate everything I want to tell you.
Firstly, I hope I'll be there with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks as I hear your first cry. Then, you'll do a whole lot of crying and I'll tolerate it because it's yours. If Allah wills, I'll squeal with utter enchantment when you start crawling! And I'll clap at your first steps. I will admire your face as I notice each new tooth making itself prominent! Even before you start speaking, I will speak to you about all sorts of topics. I'll carry you and put you to sleep with a lullaby of my own composition.
The years will go by just like that. You will grow up. If I am still there to perceive your upbringing, I'll thank and praise our lord because you are a blessing.
You will have many first days. I'll document them! Your first days of school, college, and job! I'll give my parental guidance without your solicitation. As long as I'm there, I'll advice you on what to wear, say, and how to act. However,I'll try to give you your freedom and not be clingy. I'll pray for you; I already do.
I don't know what Allah has written for you. Nonetheless, if you become successful and popular, be humble because arrogance and being conceited will do more harm than they'll ever do good- in this life and the eternal one. Remember Allah always, and He will remember you: a promise He made! If you don't get the luxury of financial stability, the only thing I want you begging for is a job to earn a living! Do your most begging to Allah, for humans are not to be begged! As a final point, strive for your success in this life, but do so too for your other one.
Live. Love. Laugh. Learn.
I will love you regardless. Pray for me whenever you can because I need your prayers as much as you need mine. And pray for your father and loved ones as well- it's the best gift you'll be capable of offering.
As a final point, I hope I'll be good to you and you to me and this world.
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