Monday, May 27, 2019

The Metaphor of War


The abstract that is death looms
As the drones instigate torrent booms
The sounds of unpredictability resonate 
As many continue to fail to placate 
The evil, the inhumane, and the impertinent 
Shrapnels terminate in homes as they dint 

Hope shatters while the glass windows disintegrate
The toxic fumes disperse and so does hate   
Mothers cry and children shriek, as  adults do too 
On TV screens conveying what’s fallacy and what’s utterly true

Buildings fragment; they crumble 
Two “armies” in my city rumble  
Halting our lives while fighting for theirs 
And the Libyan social fabric tears 

The love for war ends life
Whereas the love for life ends war
Life and war are intricate and they’re what I have to endure.    

لعل و يا ليت الفرج يأتي مسرعا  
فالصبر ينفد مني و كأنه لم يكن يوما عارما 
لا أعرف ماذا أريد و ان ادركت أنسى السبب لعل و يا ليت الفرج يأتي مسرعا  
فالصبر ينفد مني و كأنه لم يكن يوما عارما 
لا أعرف ماذا أريد و ان ادركت أنسى السبب 
و كأن شيء ما يشتعل، و يحرقني و كأنه لهب  
أقاوم نفسي كل يوم و أتسائل يا ترى، 
هل أنا على ما يرام، أم أنا ضحية ما قد جرى؟ 

يا جبار اجبر بخاطري 
و انزع هذا الحزن المحيط بي 
دعني يا لله انغمس في الحماس 
فرجها من عندك يا رب الناس! 
و كأن شيء ما يشتعل، و يحرقني و كأنه لهب  
أقاوم نفسي كل يوم و أتسائل يا ترى، 
هل أنا على ما يرام، أم أنا ضحية ما قد جرى؟ 

يا جبار اجبر بخاطري 
و انزع هذا الحزن المحيط بي 
دعني يا لله انغمس في الحماس 
فرجها من عندك يا رب الناس! 

Blessed Studying

The advent of the holy month in Libya is commonly accompanied by a rise in temperature, possible consequential power cuts, and spiritual and physical changes within us.

Abstaining from foods and drinks for hours will obviously lead to fatigue. You feel drowsy, dizzy, and you might even end up with a pounding headache! Unless this fatigue is extreme, then you shouldn’t worry because it’s absolutely normal for our bodies to feel exhausted.

So why do we feel tired?

First and foremost, our body is being deprived of its sources of energy, like carbohydrates! When your liver and muscles run out of its glucose, it begins generating glucose by a process known as gluconeogenesis. It’s an endergonic process, so it’s going to take some of your energy to compensate the diminishing glucose levels, and thereby prevent hypoglycemia. In addition, when we are in a fasting state, we tend to be more stressed. Thus, there will be an increase in the secretions of cortisol and norepinephrine. These hormones, in turn, increase your metabolism. Moreover, dehydration and caffeine withdrawal may also exacerbate ensuing headaches, if not migraines.

Whether it’s due to traditional late-night family gatherings, or just abrupt lifestyle disturbances, your sleeping pattern will most likely alter. This will have a large impact on your circadian rhythms.
All in all, sleep deprivation, dehydration, the decrease in glucose and corresponding insulin levels, and caffeine withdrawal all are causative agents for your fatigue. Nonetheless, fasting and its benefits on the body and mind will have you thanking Allah for its crucial arrival!

Moreover, when Ramadan’s advent is during a school year, our studying patterns will indubitably be impacted as well and our fatigue won’t be any less! So here’s a list of tips to help you maintain your grade point average while your body, mind, and soul are cleansing.

⚫️ Scheduling!

You ought to have a stern talk with yourself and ponder about how you’ll accommodate during Ramadan. What are you going to studying? When are you going to study? How are you going to study? Jot your answers down. And rephrase them into your new schedule.

⚪️ Slumbering!
Aside from all the fasting, praying, supplicating, and studying, sleeping is a must. You don’t want to over-sleep during Ramadan and miss out on its spectacularity! However, you also should get your minimum hours of sleep so when you function, you’ll function properly. Six to seven hours should do.

⚫️ Time!

You don’t want to end up feeling guilty about being inactive during this holy month, so you have to use your time wisely. Analyze when you’re most active. If you’re a night owl, schedule your post-Iftar hours for studying. On the other hand, if you’re a morning person who doesn’t depend on any type of caffeine to activate, then get your studying over with early and relax later on in the day!  

⚪️ How to tackle the curriculum?

You don’t want to indulge in the difficult topics and deplete your energy on them. Start with the easy stuff. It will require less energy from you, and when you see yourself getting ahead, you’ll therefore acquire more energy to further continue studying!

⚫️ Goals!

Don’t fret if you find yourself not accomplishing all of your religious and spiritual aspirations. Remember, that Allah is still rewarding you extra for studying. Reading and acquiring knowledge is what Islam promotes. Do it for the sake of Allah!
A reminder:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise

فارس الأحلام

كنت تائه في طريق ما. أسمع صوته يناديني :“نهى! نهى!"
لم يناديني في حياتي قط! و ها هو الأن و صوته يعلو و يملئ الحي، بعضهم ينظرون نحوي و يلتفت الآخرين اليه
"نهى! نهى!" 
لا أعلم ما الذي يجري. ماذا يريد هذا الجميل مني؟ 
اقترب إليه. أنسى اسمه. اكاد أتذكره و تمسح الذاكرة من جديد

انخفضت نبرةُ صوته إلى همس و ما زال ينطق باسمه المفضل: "نهى! نهى!" 
لم اقل شيئاً له و لكن أنظر إليه بعجب و هو يخرج من جيبه ما يبدو لي كصندوق صغير
يضعه في يدي و افتحه بسرعة هائله لكي استكشف ما فيه و في آن واحد اعلم محتواه.

خاتم من ألماس
لا اصدق.
أضع الخاتم على بنصري و أنا سعيدة! سعيدة
أفطن إلى ما فعلته و ما يعني ذلك.
أنظر إليه و هو يبتسم إلي و أدرك فوات الأوان لكي أعطيه جوهرتي، أقصد جوهرته. و لكن أنا سعيدة. سعيدة! أردت ان أقل له شيئا ما و لم تخرج الكلمات من ثغري

-"نهى! نهى!" 
 أنظر إلى أصابعي و لم اجده على يدي! أنظر إلى يدي الأخرى و لم اجده

أفطن إلى حقيقة الأمر اني قد إستيقضت من عالم الأحلام إلى نداء أمي و هي تناديني لكي أتناول وجبة الفطور. اضحك و أذهب إليها مسرعه لكي تخبرني ما يعني هذا الحلم

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I looked up the word in the dictionary, and I read all the numerous words that tried to sufficiently define this phenomenon. It's a noun, a verb, an adjective, and it's even used in countless phrases! Moreover, it might as well be a living thing; I mean it breathes all of us, it grows and reproduces itself into the beautiful aspects of life itself."An intense feeling of deep affection"- what whoever dared to define it claims it is, and that's what appears as the first of many explanations of it in the dictionary. 

 It is not a single thing, but a complex of combinations that render it unfathomable. Curiosity is a crucial part of this combination that may also be the starting point of it. We want to grasp it and really know what it is, why it's there, why it makes us do the things we do for the sake of it, and how in the world is it capable of transforming and conforming us. So what do curious breathers do when they get intrigued by something? Well, they impulsively start experimenting with it. 
Furthermore, experiments always yield different results due to errors and accuracies. Some enjoy the experimenting part and that's all they end up doing; others, think they've found the purpose and scope of its existence and revel in it. And there's the outcasts that find results that aren't sufficient enough, and so they experiment time and time again with new species, new methods, and newer equipment.
Love. It can sweep you up with naivety and slap you with common sense. Love is ever changing. It's never constant.
It starts out with a desperate desire. A time of euphoria. And a wisdom learned. And maybe that's why Shakespeare wrote the love story of Romeo and Juliet as a tale of tragedy. Maybe love is described as one of Taylor Swift's songs: Sad. Beautiful. Tragic. 
But that's the humanly love I was talking about; whether it was shared between lovers, family, friends, a pet owner and an adorable domestic animal, or strangers, and the love of materialistic things among other things! However, there's a special kind of love any creature of the Creator is capable of feeling- the mutual bond between Allah and one's self. The most beautiful, the most enchanting, a humbling, and a purely genuine kind of force! And one would only pray to revel in it eternally ❤ And this is what's mentioned in the Quran about the love for Allah  
2:165) And [yet], among the people are those who take other than Allah as equals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love Allah. But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah. And if only they who have wronged would consider [that] when they see the punishment, [they will be certain] that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment.
القران الكريم |وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَتَّخِذُ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَنْدَادًا يُحِبُّونَهُمْ كَحُبِّ اللَّهِ ۖ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِلَّهِ ۗ وَلَوْ يَرَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا إِذْ يَرَوْنَ الْعَذَابَ أَنَّ الْقُوَّةَ لِلَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعَذَابِ|. 

A Cliche Poem

Life is good when you want it to be.
Smile, laugh ever so joyfully.
Have a lot of faith to fall back on.
Pray at night, in the evening,& at dawn!
Pour your heart out to your lord,
Because a prayer is mightier than a sword.
Watch your life unfold.
Tell what's untold.
Life is good but it can be unfair.
So don't get caught up and dare
To be a soul that's happy and loving.
So go ahead, dance, laugh and sing
Your heart out !!!
And get rid of every doubt.
Rely on God and it'll be OK.
There's something good in every day!


I daydream about a "love story" and who's the person I'm bound to fall head over heels for. And I put these crazy standards and images in mind as to how he should talk & walk, how he should dress and laugh, and how he should treat me. Sometimes, I even daydream about his very enticing accent! And that's what us humans do to ensure a tranquility at the moments of the unknown. We imagine and plan. And you know what they say, " We plan and plan and Allah's the best of planners." I mean, after all, he is the one who wrote our story and is in control of it. But he forgives us for being so impulsive and so eager to know what the future holds in store for us. Therefore, he surprises us with the most unexpected person, at the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected place! That's love. It hits the heart without a warning. And that's what's enchanting about it- the element of surprise. You see, love erases all that we planned and it replaces it with an impeccable reality, which could be a conundrum to the limited understanding of the human brain. Which makes the neurons strenuously trying to make sense of it all. But, it doesn't have to make sense. It shouldn't make sense.
 True love doesn't care about the standards and expectations you rendered over the years. True love doesn't care about the "perfect imperfections!" Truelove only cares about the now. It is what gets your adrenaline rushing in your bloodstream. And love loves  how it makes your heart pound like it never did before; a special palpitation. 

~~~ An excerpt from a novel I wish I wrote ~~~~~