Tuesday, October 9, 2018


What really is the meaning of true love?? Is it even existent?  

I've been wondering if such a thing could exist between a couple who have never ever talked to each other. Not with real words at least: just with mere eye contacts that linger around after they've passed by each other and got lost in the crowd!
Is there a bond that has the capability to unite two souls by a magical thread of sheer luck. Fate? 
Is there this supernatural instinct that gives us the power of knowing when we really love someone whom we've never spoken to? Is there a synced heart rhythm that beats so spectacularly that lets a person know when he/she should give their heart to that someone that will either mend it or crush and shatter it ? 

I believe that this magical, heart-wrenching bond does exist! And you know why? Because Allah exists. My faith and belief in Him doesn't allow me to think of these feelings and thoughts as coincidence. Allah doesn't design and create things for us to believe in luck and coincidence! He designs everything with accuracy that can't be easily comprehended by the structure of our brains. So those feelings are true. True love is existent. There is a synched heart rhythm by couples all over the world; even between those  whom  yet to talk and get to know each other. 
But how can heartbreak be a realistic consequence out of true love ? How can hate evolve from love?
The irony of dichotomies is what I am intrigued by all the time. And it is an outcome that is existent when we forget about the creator of the beautiful things in life. When we get so caught up that we start following our own mind's reckless guidance and ignore his obligations and commandments. We are his slaves and when we submit to him fully, he can bestow upon us unfathomable blessings. But when we forget that it is only He who can bless us with such graciousness that we can get it taken away in a blink of an eye. 
So yes I believe in true love and an eternal happy ever after, but only under diligent obedience to the One who can give it to us in ways we can't even dream about ☺

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