Sometimes I wonder how perfect would life be if everyone did do that. But then, I remind myself that life is not perfect, and it was never meant to be. It's full of flaws and imperfections that give life it's uniqueness! Essentially, we are life; full of flaws and imperfections! Yet, there's this desire within us to attain perfection. And what is perfection, anyway?
This innate desire is the root of all good and evil.
The more we strive for "perfection" the higher the standards we're bound to reach. Consequently, the more striking our disappointments will be. A dichotomy ? A dilemma? And like Taylor apathetically sang out: call it what you want, yeah, call what you want to!
You see, it's all about balance. You have got to find it in your life. So it's okay to sin and be mistaken, but you also have to repent and find a way to correct whatever wrong you committed. You have to always look back and make sure that you are stable. You can't live life being happy all the time with a bright smile that's flashed for everyone, and you sure enough can't be a depressed recluse who abandons everyone and everything neither! Life is not meant to be spent chasing something that you know isn't attainable, i.e. perfection. Likewise, you also can't let it fade away by protecting yourself from undesirable situations and feelings. Life is not perfect. It will never be. So you might as well revel in the imperfections of it whilst you're still breathing
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